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11,669 editsJoined 6 April 2018
Ex Balteus Varenus surgit semper a liquid novi
"There's always something new coming from Varen's Girdle"

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Wednesday, 5 February 2025.

Another returned ENBer; from 2002-2004's Orion server. Good to be back! Big Strong Thanks, Emulator Team!

Current Projects

Round 1

  1. Abbreviations. These are being created as redirect pages which forward you to the relevant article. For example, now you can type "omp" or "OMP" in the wiki (just like you'd do in-game) and get the article "Orsini Mining Platform". Appropriate short-name forms, e.g "Orsini", will also redirect to the full name of the article. I've also created a "Category:Abbreviations" tag, so you can see all the abbreviations entered so far. NOTE: these are abbreviations for ARTICLE PAGES only. If someone wants to create a page of common in-game chat abbrevations, that would probably be an article page in itself (of course, such a page should have the "Category:Abbreviations" tag added as well. I may get around to making a page like this if it's not already there and somebody hasn't beaten me to it.) 3Oct2023: Kudos to Codemonkeyx for brininging this idea to life with the new Glossary page!
  2. Category pages. I noticed that while various Category tags were being used in articles' markup code (e.g. "Category:Stations"), there were no actual Category pages created - the wiki would list all the linked articles in a "Create category" mode. Have begun creating these so we don't trip over builders' rubble, with the exception of any previously-deleted category that features a 'please use Template' warning.
  3. Meta Category pages. As used in Wikipedia, these are "categories of categories", helping to group categories of subjects into useful groups. These meta-categories only contain other categories, they don't link directly to articles. Have created the following Meta Categories:
    • Astrography: Categories to do with navigation / destinations.
    • Cargo: i.e. any items storable in your vault and/or your ship's hold.
    • Missions, Guides, and Information: how-to pages, or other useful information you need to function as an ENB pilot.
    • People & MOBs: Categories of animate entities in-game: People (Players and NPCs (Non-Player Characters)), as well as MOBs (Mobile Entities (aka Monsters Or Beasts)).
    • Ship Equipment: Categories of items used to run your ship.
These Meta Categories are assembled together under Category:Meta_Categories

Round 2!

  1. A Station InfoBox template, to get the meat of the page into a compact standardised form. I've fudged the text flow using some HTML in each station page; if someone can get the article text flowing around the transcluded InfoBox by adjusting the template's style code, please let me know! At 3am, the HTML worked and was good enough for me! An example of it is already up at the Chernevog Station page.
  2. Started adding a Station pages (stubs) for each station that don't yet have one.
  3. Standardised pages: Terran, Jenquai, Progen, and added new category for them.
  4. Faction pages and System pages: added a stub-page for each faction, as well as adopted a (Faction) suffix in the title for clarity (following Wikipedia style). In addition, added redirects for the faction names, e.g. EarthCorps Warriors redirects to [[EarthCorps Warriors (Faction)]]. This connects links wherever the faction name has been linked without the "(Faction)" suffix. Added a (System) suffix to each system page except the maelstroms, with redirects in place to preserve existing links. 3Oct2023: to conform with ENBwiki's page-name style, which I was told some time ago (by an admin) is to avoid the use of Wikipedia-style bracketed suffixes and use exact in-game names, I'm going to do a long overdue clean-up of my naughty page names! Apologies admins, for not remembering to do this sooner.
  5. Standardised the existing End-Game Gear Guides to enhance the similarity of their layout.
  6. Added missing Character Classes and standardised the various layouts of the existing pages and stubs. Need info for the Jenquai Seeker stub; I might start one of those if nobody beats me to adding content there!

Round the Third

  1. Created Profession comparison pages: Skill-comparison by Profession - Warriors, Skill-comparison by Profession - Explorers, Skill-comparison by Profession - Traders
  2. Created a page listing all the Wefts (wormhole exit points).
  3. Created explanatory page for RD Signet Rings. Drop-pages for mission-significant ones to be made also.
  4. Created Category:Special Events and added it to the Christmas, Valentine's Day, and Halloween pages I could find.

Quart Round

  1. Created sub-categories for Beams, MLs, & PL's in the category of "Weapon".
  2. Started adding these new sub-categories to individual weapons, so you'll eventually be able to isolate the ones of a particular type (have done weps starting with 'A' and 'B' so far (Aug 2019). As I've been doing this, have found numerous weapon articles that omit the level, or the weapon type, or both, from the text. Have added the missing information where necessary. Update: now up to 'R'! Have also started linking some weapons that are in the same range (i.e. can be upgraded to get one at a higher level, e.g. the Fox beam weapon series. (Sep 2019)
  3. have updated Xulei's Galaxy Map (as hosted by to remove an incorrect path and add a number of missing ones. It's to be found in the Maps and Charts article (also reachable by searching on the word "map").

Sesto Round

Raids List
  1. Tidying up some of the raid pages with links & formatting, to give them top-of-page menus.
  2. Added an article on DPS (Damage per second).
  3. Experimenting with retro travel-posters; first one posted for Carpenter.
  4. An article on signature.
  5. To enhance recognition of subject matter, creating & deploying colourful icons for items and other subjects with a link to the relevant item Category page. Initial deployemnt was the "Raid" icon on 11 Oct 2020 (example at right).
  6. Started systematic standardisation of all Engine pages: Adding missing engines, linking engines of the same brand so you can know if yours is upgradable and to what level, created Sub-Categories for each level of Engine so you can more easily find alternatives at your level instead of seeing all levels in one huge category (you can still see that too if you want to scan the entire list alphabetically), adding the new colourful icon with link to level-specific sub-category. Also, a small change to the buff section is a shift from using a hyphen to using a colon to separate buff title & description (the part in italics). This is for clarity, as some buff descriptions start with a negative number, and a hyphen followed by a minus sign "- -12" looks a little unusual (also, mathematical pedants will, of course, read a negative negative as a positive!).
  7. Enhancement of item-comparison in the wiki is also on my 'to do' list, as I am missing that ability ever since ENB Gearlist ( appears to have gone offline sometime in Sep/Oct 2020. As my head is currently deep in the Engine category, watch for comparison pages here first! I plan to link them to the nine level-specific Engine subcategory pages.
    12Oct2020 Update: the first of these pages are now ready! See Engines - L1 Comparison and Engines - L2 Comparison.
    13Oct2020 Update: while checking every engine, thought I'd be kind to builders and add a 'Buildable" column to the comparison charts, as going back over everything later just to add this one detail would be so much of a pain for so little result that it would probably never get done. Added for L3 engines, & Went back to the L1 & L2 charts & added there too.
    21Oct2020 Update: Engine & Component & Shield pages completed. Starting on Reactors. have found quite a number of missing shields and engines from the wiki... adding items as necessary.
    04Jun2021 Update: Components (what there were of them), Beams & Missiles complete, and have worked my way through L5 Projectiles.. have added lots of missing items. This gargantuan project is still underway, but I am seeing the light at the end of the tunnel at long last!
    06Jun2021 Update: Projectiles (last category) completed!

Septima iteratio

  • Created Combat XP, and upgradeded existing Explore XP & Trade XP pages (in a uniform style) for beginners.
  • Created a page for Seasonal Missions, as the tradition of creating three year-specific pages each year has led to a lot of clutter & repetition. All pre-existing, year-specific pages I've been able to find are linked to the bottom of this new Seasonal Missions page, as I didn't have the time to sift through each one to extract unique information & incorporate it into the specific mission pages (a project for the future!). Updated the Main Page by removing the outdated link to Christmas 2019 and adding one pointing to Seasonal Missions. This will obviate the need to keep updating the text on a timely basis.
  • Expanded and improved the V'rix page. Per pilot Aeryn, the subject of Ardus sector and Dark Matter technology is sorely lacking in the Wiki... this is an area which needs looking into.
  • Created new Template:SectorInfoBox page.

Ronde acht (post Feb-Apr 2023 server outage)

  • Made a logo (derived from a real ancient Roman coin minted by Marcus Agrippa) for the Agrippa pages, and added a variety of updates in parallel with my working through Agrippa missions in-game.
  • Brought the "Stations" page list to near completion (many incomplete entries were in training or otherwise restricted sectors).
  • Created new templates & icons for raw Ore and & Refined Resource items' pages (e.g. Discordite and Discordium); started applying standardisation to the few pages existing for Ore and Refined Resources. Probably only useful for the wiki to have a subset of the entirety of these, being those which are in high demand or which have some specialised use.
  • found original ship specs artwork for each class of ship (including the ship types not actually deployed in Live), and added these images to the relevant pages: JD, JE, JS, PP, PS, PW, TE, TS, TT.
  • Some time ago an astute pilot (sorry, I forget who it was) pointed out that the weapon comparison pages didn't let you accurately rank guns, as the tables only had a Damage Per Second (DPS) sortable-column for guns of 100%-quality. In many cases, a 200%-quality player-made gun will have a higher DPS than a Non-Manufacturable gun of lesser quality. Remembering the months of time consumed creating these pages, for long I avoided this issue. However, in September 2023 I've decided get on with it, adding a 200%-DPS column to all Beam, Missile Launcher and Projectile Launcher comparison pages (initially just with filler-data), and have begun to populate them with the actual numerical data. I've started with Beams (being the easiest), and am up to Beams - L4 Comparison (Sep2023). Data in the 200%-quality column that is in a shaded cell relates to a non-manufacturable item, so you can easily spot the NonMf data when sorting on that column. While messing around with the table code, I've also added a "NegEfct" column. As I update the 200% DPS column, for each gun I will be subtracting a number from the "Buffs" column for any Negative Effect which penalises your ship, and then adding the appropriate number to the NegEfct column. Note that the number(s) in this new NegEfct column are not de-buffs that penalise an enemy, they are negative effects which get automatically applied to your ship when you install a specific gun.

9th Flurry

  • Sep/Oct 2023: Started long-overdue tidy-ups spotted by the helpful, eagle-eyed, & orderly Codemonkeyx. Added missing Sectors and Systems. Removed a bunch of bracketed suffixes in page titles to make them conform to ENBwiki sytle (i.e. avoid such page-naming where possible). Corrected the Categories: faction, race, system, navpoint, corporation, user account, & station to singular form (discovered the wiki-behaviour that all pages tagged with the Category have to be individually corrected in order to appear on the moved category page!) Also de-duplicated the Station category tag as the template on station pages already include a cat tag as part of the Infobox Template.
  • Oct 2023: still slowly plodding through the 200% DPS updates... Beams all done. MLs & PLs busy being overthunk with conflicting calculations. Stand by!
  • Dec 2023: With Code, corrected item pages which had non-standard sector names, so the new Item template doesn't throw an error. Also, uploaded missing logos for PL ammo, that got missed when others were done! In anticipation of Codemonkeyx's work on ammo pages, have created new sub-categories under Category:Ammo, being (1) Category:Ammo-Missile and (2) Category:Ammo-Projectile. The nine subcategories Category:Ammo-Missile-L1 (and Levels 2 to 9 etc) were all moved under Category:Ammo-Missile and removed from the top level (Category:Ammo). All the corresponding Projectile categories were missing, and now created and nested in a similar fashion. Looking at your test of template on L3 Buckshot ammo, Codemonkeyx, the new Item template looks like it will automatically add another category that will group ammo also by damage type, e.g. Category:Ammo-Projectile-Impact. Will create these categories for ML & PL ammo and nest them under Category:Ammo-Missile and Category:Ammo-Projectile, in readiness.
  • Mar2024: many thanks to Codemonkeyx for creating some pretty fancy templates which, while intricate, make recognising individual item-statistics in the wiki-code of weapon-comparison tables far easier. The table formats as seen on the pages have been streamlined (giving little hint of the underlying coding wizardry), and the Max% DPS statistics —long-promised— are finally progressing this April & May, now the coding improvements have been worked out.
    15Aug2024 Update: After numerous tasks & talks involving Karu, Codemonkeyx, Tef, Kazper, Antikubuki, and yours truly, the saga of the ML & PL Weapon comparison pages is largely complete! The new table Templates created by Codemonkeyx in July 2024 are now implemented, with Max% DPS values and Non-Manufacturable items re-rated up from 100% to 125% to better reflect their rankings. There is still some tweaking of the tables to occur (the primary task being to re-sort the data from being listed in alphabetical order by default, over to MaxDPS by default), but you shouldn't notice too much change from now on!
  • Apr2024: The "Sunset Live" page, which started out as a brief definition of the term, has now morphed into an article, and I've renamed the page Earth and Beyond - Game Nomenclature. Terms like "sunset live", "emulator", and "emu" still work and will let you find it. I haven't made the word "live" into a redirect, as a number of other items in-game use that word, so it's better to list a bunch of search results so that you can choose.