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Sometimes, the ENB Server can experience problems. For example, you might experience:
- a complete server crash - games stops operating & no log-ins are possible
- alts in-game can continue playing, but new log-ins are not possible
- weird in-game behaviour being encountered by all players (e.g. bizarre/erratic warping, freezing on gating or docking, etc, making gameplay extremely difficult or impossible). NOTE: you should check in the "New Players" chat channel in-game to make sure EVERYONE is affected, and that it's not just you!
In instances such as these, please check the following thread on the ENB Forum to see if the problem has been reported. If it hasn't, then you can add a post: please describe as succinctly as possible what is occurring, as such details might help the admins either during or after the incident.
Downtime Notification - ENB Forum thread:
ATTENTION: every posting to this "Server Status Current" thread will send a notification to the Server Admin - please keep postings in this particular thread to a minimum!
- Please don't add a post if you see somebody has already reported the incident within the last few hours. Remember, the Server Admin is an unpaid volunteer and has a life - it may take him some time to reach a keyboard if he's out water-skiing or climbing the Matterhorn.
- Please use discretion and don't start a conversation about the downtime (or any other topic) in this thread. Instead, start a new thread in the appropriate Forum category.